2004 called. It wants this back.
It's time. You need to kick multitasking to the curb.
(read time: 1.5 min)
Yes, it can “feel” good to multitask. But how much are you really getting done in those moments, and on those days? I’d argue, and science backs me, that you aren’t actually getting much done at all. You’re staying busy, sure, but not actually moving the needle forward.
Your Boost
Do one thing at a time and do it well. I like to use the Pomodoro Technique. Set your timer for 25 minutes and crank, with just one priority, one focus.
The Science
Multitasking basically gives your mind permission to get distracted. This is NOT a good thing when it comes to getting things done. In fact it's so bad for your attention span, that a new study shows multitasking is akin to a state of depression, where it is exceedingly difficult to concentrate when trying to make progress on a thinking-heavy task.
So as “productive” as it can feel to so-call multitask, what you are really doing is being "busy" while you keep tabs on all the things, switching your attention back and forth so much that you both waste time refocusing each time you switch gears, and find new distractions pull you away from actually making any progress on anything.
Take Home
Check yourself, before you wreck yourself. Multi-tasking is no one’s friend. Focus so that you can actually get work done. You’ll find that even 25 minutes is not only enough to make a real dent in your workload, but that you’ll likely keep cranking, because you are actually making headway on something that matters.
No shame, no guilt, just more good days.
-Dr. Nicole