When stress and running errands collide.
Pressure Nicole Garneau Pressure Nicole Garneau

When stress and running errands collide.

The higher your baseline stress, the more likely that to-dos will make you frustrated. Start building your resilience now by using cognitive reappraisal to knock back negative emotions about the things you can’t control in life, and find yourself in a more peaceful flow.

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2004 called. It wants this back.
Pressure Nicole Garneau Pressure Nicole Garneau

2004 called. It wants this back.

Yes, it can “feel” good to multitask. But how much are you really getting done in those moments, and on those days? I’d argue, and science backs me, that you aren’t actually getting much done at all. You’re staying busy, sure, but not actually moving the needle forward.

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Your neck will thank you.
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Your neck will thank you.

When you are stressed, pulsing with anxiety, or in the depth of depression, you can almost always feel it in your neck. You can change this with one stretch.

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When was the last time you got your hands dirty?
Pleasure Nicole Garneau Pleasure Nicole Garneau

When was the last time you got your hands dirty?

The next time you feel exhausted with life, turn off your work and logical prefrontal cortex and turn on the work-with-your-hands mindset instead. Tinker, build or create something just for the sake of creation. And then let that strength and empowerment fill you back up to tackle whatever comes next.

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Sometimes You Just Need a Mom Hug
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Sometimes You Just Need a Mom Hug

Hugs are an age-old and universal way to communicate emotion, and help to regulate emotions by decreasing stress and increasing resilience. When you need a hug, and have a safe person to seek out, do it and ask for a hug.

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Houseplants and Mood
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Houseplants and Mood

There is an explosion of data on how nature decrease stress, anxiety and depression. But new research shows that it's not just outdoor green spaces that impact your feelings of wellness, but also your personal indoor space.

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15-Min Wanderlust Challenge
Purpose, Peace Nicole Garneau Purpose, Peace Nicole Garneau

15-Min Wanderlust Challenge

When was the last time you went for a purposeless stroll? Or let your mind wander without feeling the least bit of guilt for not being productive? It’s counter intuitive, but there are HUGE benefits of letting your body and brain go where they please.

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