Discover Your Natural Energy Rythm

(read time: 2.5 min)


Stop thinking you're not enough when your natural rhythm doesn’t align with external demands on your time.


Research shows that folks like myself with mood disorders, think anxiety, depression etc., kids and babies, and people whose daily schedules are not in alignment with their chronotype, are the ones most negatively affected by time disruptions (hello time change!).

This last one, the one about chronotype, was new to me.

I learned that chronotype is your natural rhythm of energy, essentially when you prefer to sleep vs. when you are most alert or energetic. And it’s not all circadian here. Yes there are environmental cues like sunlight that assist us on a day-to-day basis. And yes, age matters (you swing from morningness as a kid, to eveningness as a teenager through about age 25, then slowly from there return back to morningness). But chronotype goes much deeper, all the way to the genetic level.

Scientists believe that genetic differences evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago during the time of hunters and gathers. It is theorized that during this period in human evolution, there was a benefit to have someone up, and on guard, at all hours. Random mutations in chronotype genes thus supported the split between those who were more active and energetic at night and those that favored the day.

So what about now, when your days are dictated not by your chronotype, but rather dictated by the demands of our hustle society’s hours of operation? It turns out there are many adverse effects when you are out of alignment with your chronotype, including irritability, exhaustion, feelings of depression and a diminished self worth when your natural rest times conflict with a need for productivity.


1. Discover your chronotype:

2. Journal your sleep patterns and energy levels for a week to better understand your natural rhythm.

3. If you find that your routine does not match your chronotype, see if you can make small changes to your schedule. If you can't, then it's imperative to create a consistent sleep routine and stick to it. Then, if needed, look into melatonin supplements and light therapy to help combat the misalignment.

4. If you are still struggling, consider seeking the help of an Interpersonal and Social Rhythm therapist. Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy is designed to help people improve their moods by understanding and working with their biological and social rhythms.


Make little changes to your routine so better align your energy needs to your chronotype. This will go a long way to releasing stress when it comes with meeting external demands.

No shame, no guilt, just more good days.



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