Does the heat make you feel like a Zombie?
(read time: 2 min)
You’re not imagining it, and you’re not lazy. The hot summer months really do affect your brain. From working memory to executive functions, high temps can make you feel like you are a heat zombie.
I have an extreme case of this. My docs believe that my ski accident in 2019 damaged the part of my brain that regulates temperature. So I basically have a super hard time getting my core temperature back down once I get too hot. The result, my brain turns to mush and I enter heat zombie mode.
Here's how I combat it, and you can too.
When it's hot, drop your core temperature BEFORE you engage in thinking-based work or exercise.
Internal pre-cooling tool: munch on some ice for about ½ hour pre-activity
External pre-cooling tool: wet a hand towel and wrap around your neck for 5 minutes
Pre-cooling, both internal and external, mitigates excessive core temperature by decreasing it before you even begin, and has huge effects both physical and mental functioning.
Internal pre-cooling by eating ice keeps your ability to make decisions in check, keeps your reaction time sharp, and allows your working memory to function properly. I am notoriously apathetic heat zombie so this was super insightful and an easy fix.
External pre-cooling of the neck improves cognitive performance. This includes reaction time and executive control, basically how your brain helps you get work done and stay on track, and inhibition control. Maybe this is why we love unhealthy food in the summer, the heat makes us uninhibited!
Summer heat affects your ability to think and function. Use pre-cooling techniques to stave off feeling like a heat zombie so you can get your work and workouts done. Then by all means, grab a cold drink and lounge in the pool/lake/ocean/sprinkler/fountain. It is summer after all and a little down time will also do you good.
No shame, no guilt, just more good days,