Don’t let that summer goal fall with the Autumn leaves.
It’s August already?! Instead of thinking about the end of summer, think of August as the beginning of the harvest when it comes to your summer goals.
Does the heat make you feel like a Zombie?
You’re not imagining it, and you’re not lazy. The hot summer months really do affect your brain. From working memory to executive functions, high temps can make you feel like you are a heat zombie.
Earthing/Barefeet: Not Just for Kids and Hippies
Science says et outside with no shoes and walk in the grass, the sand, the dirt. Go barefoot whenever you can and it is safe to do so. Let your feet get dirty, you can always wash them before bed!
15-Min Wanderlust Challenge
When was the last time you went for a purposeless stroll? Or let your mind wander without feeling the least bit of guilt for not being productive? It’s counter intuitive, but there are HUGE benefits of letting your body and brain go where they please.