Hard to wake up in the morning?
(read time: 1.5 min)
It’s dark in the morning this time of year. Really dark, and really comfy in your bed. Waking before the sun is few people’s idea of lovely. So use this trick to help you both enjoy the warmth of your bed, and get yourself out of it.
Your Boost
When your alarm goes off, snooze it. But instead of messing it all up by going back to sleep, engage your senses:
Three things you will feel when you move your toes
Three things you will hear when you sit up slightly
Three things you will see when you turn on the light
Three things you will taste when you have breakfast
One amazing smell related to the season you will deeply inhale when you go outside
The Science
This mindful meditation exercise directs your attention to the sensations that happen as a result of your actions, rather than on the actions themselves. This form of focused attention on the external outcome of movement is a known way to increase performance in elite athletes. Applying this to your warm, cozy bedroom is a simple extension of performance enhancement that you can apply to your everyday life.
Take home
By engaging your physical senses, you bring your body into consciousness of how you will start your day. You may not hop right out of bed, but your mind and body will be better prepared for, and even look forward to, what happens when you do.
No shame, no guilt, just more good days.
-Dr. Nicole