Hard to wake up in the morning?
It’s dark in the morning this time of year. When your alarm goes off, snooze it. But instead of messing it all up by going back to sleep, engage your senses and prepare your mind for the day ahead.
Fight Seasonal Depression (SAD) with Science.
Welcome to January, the season of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), better known as seasonal depression. Here’s how to fight back, naturally.
The Oldest Trick in the De-stress Book
There just is something warming about reading a story to your child that was read to you. Find a book that was one of your childhood favorites to forge a new family ritual as you ease into shorter days and cozier nights.
Moon Jar Activity
Help your kids decorate and label three jars/containers/piggy banks: one for saving, one for spending, and one for sharing. Not only does this model generosity, but scientists have found that giving stimulates the reward center in the brain — releasing endorphins and creating what is known as the “helper’s high.”