Your 40M brain cells need you to get this.
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Your 40M brain cells need you to get this.

Serotonin is known to affect mood, but did you know it also helps with your sleep, digestion and even how well your immune system responds?

Whether or not you experience full depressive episodes, symptoms, or just down days, it’s important to recognize that serotonin might be playing a role. Serotonin deficiency is known to wreak havoc on you. It can show up as insomnia, digestive issues, low mood, anxiety and so much more.

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Houseplants and Mood
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Houseplants and Mood

There is an explosion of data on how nature decrease stress, anxiety and depression. But new research shows that it's not just outdoor green spaces that impact your feelings of wellness, but also your personal indoor space.

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Dinner Doesn’t Need to be a drag.
Nicole Garneau Nicole Garneau

Dinner Doesn’t Need to be a drag.

Planning, cooking, cleaning… you get it. And yet, you have a solution to this madness right outside your door. Autumn is the goldilocks of al fresco dining; not too hot, not too cold, just perfect.

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