Earthing/Barefeet: Not Just for Kids and Hippies
(read time: 3 min)
Earthing is being touted as a new therapy for everything from inflammation to brain function. But walking barefoot is not exactly rocket science… or is it?
The term earthing, also called grounding, first showed up in the scientific literature in 2004. But truly, going barefoot outdoors, connecting to the earth, is not only as natural as things come, it shows up in ancient healing literature from the various Chinese dynasties to Greek philosophers. But somewhere along the way we were taught that it is only ok as a kid to run around outside with no shoes.
Get outside, no shoes and walk in the grass, the sand, the dirt. Go barefoot whenever you can and it is safe to do so. Let your feet get dirty, you can always wash them before bed!
1. Supports Your Nervous System
This might sound trippy, but your nervous system is really just an electrical system in your body. When you connect directly to the earth, without insulating your feet, some scientists believe this allows for a greater flow of electrons (negative particles) to and from your body. The observed result? The researchers hypothesize that this gives your nervous system a leg up when it comes to quickly adapting to your surroundings.
2. Better Joint Alignment and Less Pain
Trust me, your knees and back will thank you! When you walk barefoot you have a more even distribution of pressure across your foot. In comparison to the restriction in footwear, you also allow for your toes to spread which is not only a therapeutic foot stretch, but it also leads to better foot mechanics. This leads to “improved mechanics of the hips, knees, and core, and maintaining appropriate range of motion in your foot and ankle joints as well as adequate strength and stability within your muscles and ligaments.” (Franklin et al. 2015)
3. Anti-Inflammation
Too much inflammation is the enemy of your health. So anything that can combat that proinflammatory state is a good thing. So back to those electrons that are helping your nervous system function properly, they also have a potential second therapeutic effect: anti-inflammation.
A growing group of scientists believe that these tiny negatively-charged particles might help neutralize the positively charged free radicals that are the hallmark of chronic inflammation. They call this phenomenon “electric nutrition.” And it’s not all woo-woo. It is reported that your immune system has dramatic changes before and after earthing. The result, a decrease in inflammation across your body and brain.
So there you have it, going barefoot is not just for kids and hippies anymore. Not only does it lead to better skeletal alignment which can help reduce chronic pain, it may just help your nervous system function better and combat free radicals to target inflammation.
No shame, no guilt, just more good days,