The Oldest Trick in the De-stress Book
(read time: 2 min)
My mother-in-law, Ellen, read The Hobbit out loud to my husband and his sister when they were both in elementary school. It remains one of his favorite memories. And now we are reading it out loud to our kiddo during these cold months of winter. There just is something warming about reading a story to your child that was read to you.
Find a book that was one of your childhood favorites to forge a new family ritual as you ease into shorter days and cozier nights.
When it comes to reading, it’s a no brainer. The biggest boost will be decreasing your stress. In fact, even just 5-10 minutes of reading can lead to an immediate reduction is stress, up to 68% according to a study by the University of Sussex.
You are familiar with "flight or flight," that is your autonomic part of your sympathetic nervous system. But it has a less known, and much calmer sibling, your parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system has the nickname of "rest and digest." It is this part of your nervous system that scientists believe to become more active during reading, thus dampening your "fight or flight" response and reducing your level of stress.
Reading out loud to you child is super beneficial for you both, and can be made even more special by reading a favorite book of yours when you were a child. Beyond stress relief, reading with your kiddo leads to both physical and emotional closeness. It allows for a safe and calm space that leads to discussions, things they might not just tell you if you ask, and helps you know them by discussing the scenarios, in the end, helping them to navigate social situations.
No shame, no guilt, just more good days.