Hard to wake up in the morning?
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Hard to wake up in the morning?

It’s dark in the morning this time of year. When your alarm goes off, snooze it. But instead of messing it all up by going back to sleep, engage your senses and prepare your mind for the day ahead.

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When stress and running errands collide.
Pressure Nicole Garneau Pressure Nicole Garneau

When stress and running errands collide.

The higher your baseline stress, the more likely that to-dos will make you frustrated. Start building your resilience now by using cognitive reappraisal to knock back negative emotions about the things you can’t control in life, and find yourself in a more peaceful flow.

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2004 called. It wants this back.
Pressure Nicole Garneau Pressure Nicole Garneau

2004 called. It wants this back.

Yes, it can “feel” good to multitask. But how much are you really getting done in those moments, and on those days? I’d argue, and science backs me, that you aren’t actually getting much done at all. You’re staying busy, sure, but not actually moving the needle forward.

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How to get motivated, the easy way.
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

How to get motivated, the easy way.

When I woke up this morning, it was like my brain was offline. There was no feeling. No thoughts. No motivation. So I used the only tool of mine that requires no brain power, I walked.

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Your neck will thank you.
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Your neck will thank you.

When you are stressed, pulsing with anxiety, or in the depth of depression, you can almost always feel it in your neck. You can change this with one stretch.

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When was the last time you got your hands dirty?
Pleasure Nicole Garneau Pleasure Nicole Garneau

When was the last time you got your hands dirty?

The next time you feel exhausted with life, turn off your work and logical prefrontal cortex and turn on the work-with-your-hands mindset instead. Tinker, build or create something just for the sake of creation. And then let that strength and empowerment fill you back up to tackle whatever comes next.

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Your 40M brain cells need you to get this.
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Your 40M brain cells need you to get this.

Serotonin is known to affect mood, but did you know it also helps with your sleep, digestion and even how well your immune system responds?

Whether or not you experience full depressive episodes, symptoms, or just down days, it’s important to recognize that serotonin might be playing a role. Serotonin deficiency is known to wreak havoc on you. It can show up as insomnia, digestive issues, low mood, anxiety and so much more.

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Sometimes You Just Need a Mom Hug
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Sometimes You Just Need a Mom Hug

Hugs are an age-old and universal way to communicate emotion, and help to regulate emotions by decreasing stress and increasing resilience. When you need a hug, and have a safe person to seek out, do it and ask for a hug.

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Brain spinning out of control? Clean out these two things.
Pressure Nicole Garneau Pressure Nicole Garneau

Brain spinning out of control? Clean out these two things.

A few weeks ago I talked about my Dump List (click here to read the Dump List Boost). This resonated with many of you, and you wondered if I had another tip to share in the same vein. Boy do I ever. You don’t need to deep clean your whole house to regain control. What you need is a strategic clean.

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Don’t be afraid of spontaneous friend-time.
Purpose Nicole Garneau Purpose Nicole Garneau

Don’t be afraid of spontaneous friend-time.

I get it. Your life is busy and your calendar is overscheduled. So it goes without saying that in order to make time for friends, you need to schedule it. It’s so easy to fall back on the style of work meetings when we plan time with friends. Resist this automatic habit, and be more spontaneous.

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Pixar’s Inside Out, IRL
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Pixar’s Inside Out, IRL

When painful memories invade our thoughts, it’s natural that our brains want to protect us by repressing them. And while this served our ancient ancestors, it’s no longer a good strategy if you seek mental wellness in your life.

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Intermittent Fasting for your Brain!? Yes Yes Yes!
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Intermittent Fasting for your Brain!? Yes Yes Yes!

I'm really into inflammation research and how it relates to depression and anxiety. This is how I stumbled upon data showing that fasting not only helps with weight loss and metabolic syndrome, but also helps fight the proinflammatory state associated with mental health disorders.

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Aim for Consistency to Crush your Goals
Purpose, Pressure Nicole Garneau Purpose, Pressure Nicole Garneau

Aim for Consistency to Crush your Goals

When you strive for perfection, you set yourself up to fail. Instead, strive for consistency in executing those tiny actions that lead up to big goals, and use the neuroscience of context to ensure that those actions become habits. When you do this, you’ll be nailing your goals in no time.

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When Things Don’t Go as Planned
Peace, Pressure Nicole Garneau Peace, Pressure Nicole Garneau

When Things Don’t Go as Planned

When all hell breaks loose, and it will, breathe in shoganai, acceptance. It’s impossible to control everything, and therefore impossible for things to always go as planned. So take a breath and instead of mourning what could have been, accept it for what it is and stay the course.

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Mindful Rumination
Peace Nicole Garneau Peace Nicole Garneau

Mindful Rumination

Mindful Rumination: use it to understand, learn from and figure out your next steps. Once you do that, you can tell your mind it’s done, so you can move on from the endless replay.

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