Mindful Rumination
Mindful Rumination: use it to understand, learn from and figure out your next steps. Once you do that, you can tell your mind it’s done, so you can move on from the endless replay.
The Magic of the Meltdown
On came the ugly. Sobbing. Undone. Embarrassed. But then, something magical happened. I started feeling better.
Stop it with the “I’m FIne” BS
Isolation doesn't just happen when we are physically apart from our circle. You can be with your people, AND hiding in plain sight. This is the “I’m fine” story playing out, and it can lead to an even more devastating feeling of loneliness than actually being alone.
Feeling Guilty?
Guilt makes you want to confess, it’s an evolutionary thing, but so is avoiding admitting wrong.
Your Worth is NOT Dependent on your “Success”
Did you seek praise as a kid? If yes, fast forward and here we are: adults conditioned to think that our worth is ONLY related to our wins. Oof. Let’s unpack this.
Guilt, Shame And Halloween Candy
Guilt and shame. Both contribute to feelings of stress, anxiety and depression, and can drive you to eat more sugar. Happy Halloween!?!