Guilt, Shame And Halloween Candy

(read time: 1 min)

Sugar is your new frenemy. YAY, it temporarily dampens feelings of stress. BOO, it is terrible for the long term health of your body and brain.


Don’t let Halloween candy scare you. If you don’t eat a ton of added sugar in your regular diet, a little bit of candy when you are feeling shame or guilt does wonders. It reduces cortisol (read stress hormone), and therefore decreases your stress response.


But don’t make a habit of it. The magic of sugar on stress is that it only works when you consume limited amounts and it only works when used infrequently as a pick-you-up. When it becomes a habitual action to reach for sweets every time you feel stressed, it has the opposite effect. Too much sugar increases brain inflammation, a factor in depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Don't need that!!


If you're like me and have zero candy willpower, don’t buy it ahead of time. Buy it just hours before trick or treaters arrive, and give it all out.

Then, when you REALLY need that boost, pick up something actually over-the-top pleasurable to you. Because you are enjoying infrequently, and in moderation, you totally win, because that little treat will indeed knock back your cortisol. So go for it every once in a while, but make it worth it.

No shame, no guilt, just more good days.



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